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Support Center

Our frequently asked questions service offers answers to common questions. If you don't find an answer, please contact our customer support and a representative will be able to assist you.

Withdrawing Funds

Will my reimbursement from Southwest Airlines be subjected to tax implications?
Tax information is used for verification purposes only. You will not receive a 1099-K form from PayPal for these payments. Please consult your tax advisor if you have additional questions about the tax implications of these payments.
Where can I find my banking information?

You can obtain your bank information from your financial institution, a bank statement, or by referring to the details on the bottom of your checks.

In the United States and Canada, your account information will be displayed as shown on the sample checks below:

U.S. Accounts:
United States check with bank details

Canadian Accounts:
Canadian check with bank details

How do I transfer to PayPal?

Transfer method availability varies depending on the country, currency and program configurations. Click on Transfer > Add New Transfer Method to see your options. If  the transfer method or your country/region or currency is not listed in the options, it is not supported.

If the PayPal option is available for your program and country, follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Log in to the Pay Portal.
  2. Click Transfer > Add New Transfer Method
  3. If prompted, select your country and currency.
  4. Select PayPal then click Continue
  5. Confirm your email address. Click Continue
  6. Review your account details then click Confirm
  7. Click Transfer To PayPal
  8. Add a personal note (optional) then click Continue
  9. Review the transfer details then click Confirm

If the currency you transfer from the Pay Portal matches the default currency on your PayPal, a confirmation email will be sent and you should receive the funds within 30 minutes.

If the currency you’re transferring does not match the default currency on PayPal, you’ll need to log in to PayPal and accept the transfer manually.

You have 30 days to accept before the transfer amount is returned to the Pay Portal.

Tracking Your Payment/Transfers

Where can I find the Customer ID?
For your Customer ID, please refer to your email from Southwest Airlines with payment details.
It is past the estimated deposit date. Why haven't I received my funds?

Our goal is to send your funds to you as quickly as possible. However, once the transfer has cleared our systems, processing times can vary according to the receiving bank and any intermediary financial institutions involved in the transaction. Depending on your country and region, some transfers may take longer than others to be received.

Customer Support

How do I contact Customer Support?
Please refer to the Support tab at the top of the page for support hours and contact information.

Contact us:




For Southwest Customer Service, please visit

For questions regarding your baggage claim, please visit